George Crosby joins
Original Kids Theatre Company
George Crosby is a stage and film actor. George has worked many seasons with the Elgin Theatre Guild (ETG) in St. Thomas, Ontario. iFilmGroup closely networks with ETG, and had George audition for different parts for several film productions.
iFilmGroup cast George in several movie productions. George was as extra in the movie “Blue Love” as a clinic patient. “He’s not only a stage actor, but, a movie actor and we are proud of George's accomplishments. He has attended workshops with iFilmGroup and continues to be instructed by the various training programs at ETG,” said Matthew Marshall, movie director.
George Crosby attends iFilmGroup Workshop at ETG
[© Photo by iFilmGroup]
iFilmGroup is looking forward to the release of the movie “Not Ready” written by Donald Michael Hickey and directed by Matthew Marshall, where George plays a very important role.
iFilmGroup is proud to share the news that iFilmGroup member George Crosby is now an Original Kids Theatre Company main cast member. George worked very hard preparing for his audition for OKTC.
Original Kids Theatre Company, like iFilmGroup, have worked with many youth. The difference is, that iFilmGroup works as an inter-generational film group with people of all ages. Yet, OKTC is very impressive with 622 performances since 1991. This opportunity will be good for George.
His mom says he couldn't have done it without the help of his vocal coach Paula Thomas, and most definitely without the support of his favourite acting coach Lesley Chapman from the Elgin Theatre Guild (ETG).
The Crosby Family is all super excited to see where his journey takes him!
Training for George and other new members at OKTC begins in September, and is called TAG training (The Actor Grows). George will audition and be cast for a spring/summer show in 2020.
“We are looking forward to working with him in the future as he continues his acting journey at all levels. George is one of many youth that have excelled through the acting programs with iFilmGroup and Elgin Theatre Guild," said Don Hickey, Community Engagement Manager, at iFilmGroup. ■
Photos by Matthew Marshall
#ETGkidfirst #newbeginnings #OKkid #ifilmgroup #actorslife #acting #notreadyfilm
London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada