Application For Actors and Crew. Join iFilmgroup! —
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[for any volunteer actor or crew position with iFilmGroup]

Thank You For Using This Form

Take note: Our H.R. department is one of our busiest departments in administration. Please co-operate with our procedures. This will allow us to review and evaluate your application quickly.

Replies may take up to 5 working days.
When making initial contact with us, please be detailed as possible.

Advice for supplying a headshot: [a clear, in-focus photo. Not a fuzzy, out-of-focus shot.) You don’t have to spend money on a professional headshot. But, please name your head-shot and resume/bio as “yourname.jpg”, or “yourname-resume.pdf” (We get too many non-named headshots and resumes. Please make it easy for us to know what documents belong to you, thanks.)

Remember, details… (fill in the data fields on the form).

Any applicant applying for actor or crew under 18 must get their parent’s consent to apply.

