iFilmGroup actor George Crosby
As summer ends and autumn comes upon us students of all ages get back into the routine of attending classes and going to school. It is also the official start of the Film Festival year and new and exciting Live Theatre shows.
When you think about students getting back to learning and combining that with Live Theatre. One program in London and area comes to mind. Since its establishment in 1998, the Grand Theatre’s High School Project (HSP) has provided unparalleled theatrical training and mentorship to the next generation of Canadian theatre artists. It is the only program of its kind in North America.
This unique and empowering program has been the launch pad for many theatre artists. The students start in early July/August to prepare for the show. HSP offers an exceptional opportunity for students to receive education and hands-on training in the working environment of a professional theatre. High school students from London and area are mentored by professional artists and coaches in all departments (performance, stage management, props, wardrobe, scenic art, sound, orchestra, photography, and marketing) culminating in a production staged in the Grand’s 839-seat theatre: the Spriet Stage. The initiative provides leadership, creative skills, and communication aptitude that serve these students on and off stage - in every area of their lives.
This style of teaching an artist the art of acting or crew is the same style of template that iFilmGroup uses for filmmaking. Many former HSP alumni have worked with iFilmGroup and many members of the iFilmGroup have been a part of HSP productions.
Mentoring is the cornerstone of iFilmGroup’s mission and mandate. The goal is to mentor members in the filmmaking process while making award-winning films. Matthew Marshall who is an award-winning film Director and Head of Film Production for iFilmGroup and is also one of the group's co-founders feels mentoring is a very important element to pass what someone has learned in a particular field and pass it along to the next generation. “I have many great mentors in my life that have taught me the skills that I am now giving to the next generation”, says Marshall. After years of being mentored. Marshall now feels it is only fitting that he passes it forward. A quote from Academy Award-winning director Steven Spielberg has always stuck out in Marshall’s mind and sums up mentorship and what iFilmGroup does. Spielberg says “The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves”.
Marshall and fellow co-founder Don Hickey have used that concept to create two forms of mentorship within the iFilmGroup. The common and recognized form of mentorship within iFilmGroup is called the "Standard Mentoring Program". This is what iFilmGroup members receive during their workshop programs and when the members are working on film sets during these projects. The second form of mentorship is the “Accredited Mentorship/Internship Program” where participants from high school, college and or University must arrange with iFilmGroup and their school before they go through the application process and are accepted into the Accredited Mentorship Program with iFilmGroup. This is an internship/co-op with iFilmGroup in the art of acting or Filmmaking.
“Everyone needs a mentor to give you guidance and help you get to where you want to go to in a particular skill or profession”, says iFilmGroup Community Engagement Manager and Co-Founder of the program Don Hickey. Often mentors go unrecognized... living in the shadow of the person that has been mentored and the success they have. Marshall feels that through mentoring you change lives and really does not feel that any more recognition is needed. “That is enough on most days,” says Marshall.
iFilmGroup Actor George Crosby on set of ‘Not Ready’
However recently Matthew Marshall and the iFilmGroup Team were recognized for their work with one member. George Crosby who is in iFilmGroup soon to be released new film “Not Ready” and who is also part of the cast for in this year's Grand Theatre’s High School production of “Into the Woods”, nominated Matthew Marshall as a significant teacher/mentor in their life. Student participants from HSP were prompted to reflect upon a teacher, mentor, school staff member, etc. who has guided, assisted, encouraged or inspired their interest in the arts. Marshall was nominated because George felt he deserve recognition, and George wanted to say thank you for Marshall and the iFilmGroup team's support and contribution to the arts in our community. “They have helped me by including me in their productions and allowing me to be involved in the film community. Matthew has encouraged me to express my full self being a mentor in expression, creativity and compassion”, says Crosby.
George Crosby (center) on set of movie “Not Ready’
Marshall and Hickey will be excited and proud to see Crosby on stage at the Grand Theatre in “Into the Woods” which runs from September 20th to Oct 1st, 2022.
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London ■ St. Thomas ■ Chatham-Kent
Ontario - Canada
WEBSITE - www.ifilmgroup.org