Mitchell Reaume says…
I’m a keen fan of traditional TV series, and I own full season sets of scores of them. For example, Little House on the Prairie, Full House, Dr. Quinn, Sue Thomas FBI, Flashpoint, I Love Lucy, to mention just a few…and my all-time favourite, HEARTLAND. I have every season and watch them over and over.
My movie collection is also quite enviable. I can tell you, not only the characters in a show or movie but also the actors who portrayed the characters. My mom says I have the gift of an awesome memory.
A few months ago, I saw on Facebook that Chris Potter was coming to The London Club. There was an opportunity to buy a ticket to have lunch with Mr. Potter…. I purchased a ticket to attend the very next day and was really looking forward to meeting one of Heartland’s star actors.
Max Steinberg with father and Chris Potter and Don Hickey from
At that luncheon, I met Don Hickey from iFilmGroup. Don was very impressed with my ability to recite lines from movies and TV shows, and then to my wildest surprise he offered me an opportunity to audition for the movie “Not Ready”.
iFilmGroup actor Mitchell Reaume
My audition at the Elgin Theatre Guild was very exciting…. everyone made me feel so welcome. Even though I was nervous (“a good sign” said Don Hickey and director Matthew Marshall), I was encouraged to deliver my monologue and was given clear, constructive direction from Matthew Marshall and acting coach Helena Rose. My mom and I left the auditions with a feeling of anticipation and elation…. what a wonderful opportunity for me.
Mitchell Reaume Testimonial - Mitchell Reaume -05-19-19